Welcome To The Desert Of The Real.

A Matrix Online player character in Club Polyvinyl.


3/2/2025: Added the Updates content to the Mainpage.

2/17/2025: Well. It's just over three years since my last update on this page, and things are not going well on a national and global front. On a personal front, I changed the background to an image of my own making (as opposed to the Matrix Code background I've been using for three years)Let's face it Mac that basic black is coming back! Because this website was supposed to reflect all of my interests, but kind of ended up being a Matrix fansite instead. I plan on remedying that shortly. EDIT: unless I missed a couple, all of the images on this site are now alt-tagged for screen readers. I'm redoing Cyber Alfheim again, and so I'll be alt-tagging the images there as well.

1/30/2022: Matrix Resurrections dropped, the new year dropped, and I redesigned the site again. This is all still a work in progress, as I reaffirm the original mission statement that led me to create it in the first place - an escape from the Web 2.0 Social Media "Walled Gardens" of Facebook and Twitter, and as a stab in the dark against the idea of a "Web 3" where literally everyone and everything is commodified.

2/14/2020: The general look and feel of the site is pulled together, and one essay is done. I'm offically declaring the site "open."


Best viewed in Firefox. Not really optimized for mobile, but I tried.